Saturday, October 31, 2009

Do you know what this lump in groin area could be?

I have a lump in my groin area which I first noticed six weeks ago. It does not hurt. It is pretty big. Could it just be an ingrown hair? It is right at the very top of my thigh close to the crease where the pelvic area starts. I know this sounds ridiculous, but I can not go to the doctor because I dont want to be weighed and my husband is furious with me. I am recovering from 10 years of anorexia and bulimia and I do not weigh myself and I can not get weighed at the doctor because if I don't like the number, I can spiral down into that eating disorder again. Has anyone had a lump like this lasting for six weeks. It is probably an ingrown hair. Thanks.
There are lymph nodes located in that area that you are describing. An enlarged lymph node can mean many things, some more serious then others. However because it does not hurt, this can be alarming. Most lymphomas start out with painless enlarged lymph nodes. I don't mean to scare you it's just the fact of the matter. The only way for sure to know what is going on is to go see your doctor. Many times lymph nodes enlarge because of an infection, but lymph nodes are then usually tender or painful
thats what it sounds like or it could be just a risin
It is most likely a inflamed lymph node.
May be caused by a small infection.
I have had ingrown hairs like that.
If you go to the doc and they want to weigh you, ask if you can face backwards, that way you can't see what the scale says.
Get your butt to the doctor and let him look at it. Tell them you don't want to be weighed and go from there .
It most likely is a lymph node, they are like reservoirs in your body, they inflate if you have an infection, or they can swell up if you shave in that region, also in thinner people they are more noticeable. It's pretty common, just watch for it's size, if it gets any larger I highly recommend going to the doctor. Best of luck.
Go to the doctor. Tell him to not tell you your weight.
sounds to me very much like an inguinal hernia. does it hurt when you press it? does it hurt when you strain to lift something up? if so, it's probably an inguinal hernia.

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