Saturday, October 31, 2009

Do you know anyone with cancer who was given a short time to live whose cancer went into remission?

I'm needing to hear some miracles, please. Thank you!
In 2000 I was given 0% with less than a month to live. I was in remission 18 months when I was told I had a reoccurance. The cancer is a very rare, very aggressive cancer. I was told that no one has been able to go and stay in a second remission. By the time the reoccurance was found it had spread and they told me I had less than a month. I told them God gave me a miracle to go into remission before and he can do it again! They said it would take a miracle because no one has ever been able to make it into a second remission. I told them, somebody's got to be the first and I'm going be the first, I'm going to get a miracle!
I have a lot of faith and a big believer in the power of prayer.
I have been in remission ever since!
I was also born legally blind. My parents prayed for years that God would heal my eyes. When I was going through my radiation treatment, it caused cataracts in my eyes. I had to go through surgery for that. Now I have 20/20 vision.
Also, because of the large amount of radiation I received to my head and neck area, the doctors said that I would never be able to scream or sing again which broke my heart because I loved to sing. I used to go to some local churches and sing. Months went by following my treatment and still I couldn't sing. I would put a tape in the player and I could not get one note out. I could talk but I couldn't sing or scream. I prayed every day that God would give me back my voice so I could sing again. My dream was always to be able to sing to my husband on our wedding day. That day was approaching and still no voice. I kept praying every day, God please give me back my voice so I can sing again. My voice came instantly the day before I was married! What's funny is that I still can't scream. I told my mom, I didn't pray that I could scream, I only prayed that I could sing!
I could go on and on of how good God's been to me. I am very blessed!
Sadly, I dont.but if its you, I'll be happy to pray for you or your loved one. Also, try faith in God, its the only way a miracle comes about.
Yes, I have a sister in law who was given 9months to a year to live. She had tumors on her spine and lower abdomen. She never had any surgery, she had chemo and radiation. She also had something where they take your blood out and "wash" it or something. Anyway, that was 25yrs ago. She is still alive, she has gone in and out through all these years. It became more of a health issue, like high blood pressure, to her. When she was given the news, she was very angry and loud. She yelled and screamed and fought it. I think that's part of her survival, she never gave in, she has fought and lived her life.
Yes, I do. My friend's mom was diagnosed with a very rare form of breast cancer. Supposedly only 5-10% of breast cancer victims developed this particular strain. Anyway, she was diagnosed in September and told she probably wouldn't make it to Christmas. That was in 2001. She just got remarried last summer. She underwent the cemo and radiation, but also mixed that with some holistic therapy. I don't know everything she did, but I know she took around 15,000 mgs of vitamin c every day. Studies have proven vitamin c kills cancer cells. There are a lot of little things like that, when mixed with your treatments, that can improve your chances. I know it must be hard, but they say a positive attitude helps. I know my friend's mom did yoga and meditated. My thoughts are with you. Of course, miracles happen every day!
Yes, it happens all the time because no one, not even the doctors know how long an individual will live . . even ones with cancer. You would think doctors would stop making these types of pronouncements. There are plenty of miracles out there and there is no reason why one of them couldn't come to you.Peace and hope.
I'll tell you my miracle story.When I was 10 months old in 1983, while my parents were in Hawaii on vacation, I developed a cancer called Neroblastoma (spelling may be off). It was stage 4 when we discovered it with stage 5 being the worst it could possibly be. I did eventually reach stage 5. At the low point I was given less than a 5% chance to survive. There were 4 other children in my pediatric ward with the same illness and none of them survived. I received multiple rounds of Chemo and Radiation and countless surgeries all to no avail... One morning I woke up and looked 100 times better than I had before (this is all what my parents tell me as I am too young to remember). I went in to the doctor that day for scans and every single bit of my cancer was gone. It almost literally disappeared overnight. When I was 11 years old, I got my 2nd bout of cancer. This one was called Rencal Cell Carcinoma. It is mainly an adult cancer (35+) and doctors are still baffled as to how I might have contracted it. I had sharp and horrible stomach pain one night and went into the doctors for treatement. The local doctors thought it was a rurptured appendix but recommended I get checked out in San Francisco by my oncologist due to my past health issues. I go down there for my checkup and sure enough I have the renal cell cancer, which is a cancer of the kidney. I had my left kidney completely removed along with a portion of my right kidney. I caught that one really early thanks to my mom being paranoid about any illness after my first cancer. I now survive just fine on a patrial kidney and do not need any additional machines or anything to live. I play sports, martial arts, work, read, fish, love and do everything else like a normal human being. Sometimes life gives people hardships and you have to do your best to turn that into something good. I was never once afraid during my cancer bout, I had a underlying mentality inside me that knew I would beat these diseases no matter what happened. My parents of course were terrified but I never had the fear. I now value life much more and know it can be taken from you any moment for no reson.I hope this is similiar to what you were looking to find. Good luck to everyone out there with a seemingly impossible disease or situation. The power of positive thinking can do amazing things, although good doctors cetrainly help a ton :) If anyone ever feels they need to talk with someone, a survivor, I am always available to anyone. Email me at -- be sure to make the subject line stand out or I might think it is spam... Take care all !
Yes, I know a man alive and in remission for over ten years with very aggressive lymphoma of the worst type (can't remember what type that is off hand) Also a man who lived for several years after a very large brain tumorAlso a good friend who has been alive for several years with peritoneal cancer which usually is fatal soon in its course"Remission" is usually a term associated with blood cancers such as leukemia and lymphoma, not with solid tumors. Different terminology is used for the solid tumors. Usually in breast cancer, for example, they say you are NED or have no evidence of disease, but there is really no such thing as remission in breast cancer.I have also read many stories of children who had some type of very aggressive tumor that went away, sometimes spontaneously! I have seen television shows about this, too, where they showed the evidence.There are miracles. They are not the norm but they do happen. Good luck to you.

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