Saturday, October 31, 2009

Do you know someone that has Lupus?

Yes, I know many people with it, including myself. I own and operate a lupus support group, and have personally been diagnosed with it for 12 years, though symptoms began in me in my early teens. If those symptoms started today, and not in the late seventies/early 80's I probablly would have been diagnosed much sooner.As the owner of a group for people with Lupus and other auto immune diseases I see it at all different levels, from mild to rather serious.I'm not quite sure what your looking for, is it reassurance, answers, support? But I can tell you some of our memebers still work, some dont, many of us have children, who are fine, we all go through flares and remmisons. In my case (I have a moderate to severe case) I can be rather ill for up to 8 months then I get treatment, and can be rather healthy for a good year or so. Lupus can be decently controlled with a good doctor, good medicines, and avoidence of certain triggers. My last flare was being exposed to mold unkowingly,and has been difficult, but Im getting better and moving this week.For most of us, our life spans can be expected to be very close to normal 70-80 for a female. That is with proper medical care and a decent diet.I hope this helped
yes, my cousin had it she died of it 3 year ago at the age of 28, why? u have it?
yes, my aunt has it.
yes it is not fatal and very treatable it is a form of arthritis. many different meds are available for many symptoms. see a roomatologist as soon as possible. the sooner you start the faster you will feel better
Yes my friend as well as I have it. I also have Rheumatoid Arthritis and Kidney disease!! That is hell!! But I tell myself it could always get worse...
No, but I have rheumatoid arthritis. A great website to check out is and if possible for you become a member of the Arthritis Foundation. Through them you can find support groups and self-help groups as well as water and land based activities.
Yes, it is tough living with pain but life is worth living it and God is good.
I have lupus. For all of us, please go to, click on the take action link and email your Senators and Representative asking them to co-sponsor the Lupus REACH Amendments H.R. 1192

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