Saturday, October 31, 2009

Do you know 10 facts about anorexia and bulimia?

i need 10-15 facts about anorexia and bulimia
1. They [will] both kill you.2. They will ruin your metabolism so you can never keep weight off again.3. Bulimia will rot your teeth, take off the enamel.4. They will cause all your loved ones to be worried sick about you.5. You feel disgusting.6. You will lose control of your brain and start thinking that even if you were a skeloton you'd still be fat, fat, FAT!!!7. You get super moody. it's like being on PMS only...ALL. THE. TIME.8. Will only make you sick.9. ...10. Super-easy way to ruin your life.
1.Anorexia is the restriction of food or starvation.
2. Bulimia is the act of binging and purging.
3. Anorexia can cause heart attacks and strokes.
4. Purging (vomiting) can have long term effects on your throat, esophogaus, and teeth.
5. Both are generally diseases that affect girls/women.
6. Both are a result of a distorted body image.
7. Both are often used as a way to control something when the person feels out of control.
8. People who suffer from either may take laxatives or diet supplements.
9. Anorexia can cause your organs to shut down.
10. Boys/men who suffer tend to do so to impress a girl or to look like the guy in all the movies that gets the girl
sure do since I am bothu lose hair
ur teeth get weak n can break off
u can have a heart attack
it can cause liver n kidney damage n failure
it weakens ur bones
u lose weight fast
it ruins ur asophigus
it gives u headaches
can give u an irregular heartbeat
get dehydrated most of the time
sooner or later u will throw up without tryn too
1. Research suggests that about one percent of female adolescents have anorexia.
2. Research suggests that about four percent of college-aged women have bulimia.
3. Only about 10% of people with anorexia and bulimia are male.
4. Without treatment, up to twenty percent of people with serious eating disorders die. With threatment, that number falls to two to three percent.
5. An anorexic person weighs 85% or less than what is developmentally expected for their age and height.
6. Cessation of menstruation is a side effect of Anorexia Nervosa in women and is due to the body's attempt to conserve energy when it is being starved.
7. A person with Bulimia Nervosa binges uncontrollably and then attempts to compensate either by purging, abusing laxatives, overexercising, fasting, or using diuretics.
8. A bulimic person's weight may be normal or near normal. They may even appear to be slightly overweight (since purging isn't an effective means to compensate for the excessive caloric intake).
9. Anorexics tend to be the "perfect child" and feel out of control so they control their eating, while bulimics tend to be secretive and abuse substances and be more provocative.
10. When a person develops a serious case of Anorexia Nervosa, they may develop lanugo, which is a growth of downy body hair and is an attempt by the body to keep itself warm.Additional Interesting fact:The average women is 5 ft, 4 inches tall, weighs 145 lbs, and wears a size 11-14.Barbie (when adjusted to be life size) is 6 ft tall, weighs 101 lbs, and wears a size 4.Average store mannequins are 6ft tall, (weight not available), and wear a size 6.Goes to show our unrealistic representation of females.
Hope that helped! :)

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