Sunday, October 25, 2009

Do these symptoms sound like a cold?

I've had these symptoms for close to a week now (except for the hoarse voice which recently started). I have nasal congestion (left side only), runny nose (left side only and fluid is clear; slightly thick), dry cough, hoarse sounding voice, scratchy throat. I gargled w/ Listerine but it only maked my throat hurt worse. I haven't had a cold in a long time and I've never had my voice sound hoarse before. I thought it was an allergy attack and started taking my Allegra but it hasn't cleared up. Is this a cold? or something else?
It's either a cold or an allergy. If you've lived where you are for more than a year and this didn't happen last year this time, then you just have a cold.
NEVER gargle with listerine if you have a hoarse voice or a sore throat. Make a saline solution of a teaspoon of salt in an 8 oz glass of water and gargle with that several times a day (nice and long gargles). The make another batch the next day.
Drink a lot of clear fluids and rest.
The only things you need to watch for are:
1) fever
2) green or rust colored nasal discharge
3) Soreness on the sides of your neck where the neck meets the shoulders at a 90 degree angle.
Otherwise just hang in there, until it's gone.
Good luck
You caught a bug, medicine won't cure it but the multi-sympton flu relief medicine should help the soreness, alka-seltzer cold and flu or vicks 44d. if you start to run a fever, then you can go to the doctor and get anti-biotics (you don't need anti-biotics unless you have a bacterial infection and a fever is a sign of infection). And try chicken soup, the broth has minerals that help sooth the soreness.

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