Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Does "Meningitis" for a woman affect her pregnancy, does this could be one of the reason for?

neural tube defect like annencephaly. Any doctors pls, need suggestions
Meningitis is almost always caused by some external factor, such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Quite obviously, if a mother has an ongoing active infection of any of these, it could be disastrous for the baby.As far as anencephaly... it's difficult to really say what causes it. It doesn't seem to run in families much, though a mother who has had one anencephalic child runs a slightly higher risk of having another one. Epilepsy medication and insulin-taking diabetics also have a slightly higher incidence of anencephaly; studies indicate that a slightly higher intake of folic acid can reduce the risk a bit.I know of no study that links meningitis and anencaphaly directly in any way. It is possible that they could be connected. But that cannot be the only cause. So it is unlikely that anyone would be able to say in a particular instance whether that did it or not.Sorry I can't be more conclusive. There's still so much we don't know!

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