Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Do you think I have Mono?

Well, first I had an extremely high fever.This was followed by a stuffy nose and sore throat, thought the sore throat wasn't too bad; not, like, strep level or anything. I had a horrible cough, though.
Then I got the runny nose, still with the cough.Everything was going okay after that, but now I tired ALL the time. I sleep about fifteen hours a day. I can't stay awake during class and even fall asleep when I'm walking.I think I may have it; one of my friends from school was diagnosed with it and I shared her lip gloss all the time.My parents say I don't and won't take me to the doctor. Can I get a second opinion?
It sounds like you do to me, my brother had it last year from drinking the same water during football as the other players.
mono is the name of my frisbee
Go to the school nurse,she can probanly tell.If not then go hang all over your parents till they get it too,cause mono is very catchy!its airborn...Good luck.
Hi, personally I don't think you have Mono. I've had that myself years ago and was very ill with it although the degree of it can affect people differently. Why don't you go to a walk in clinic, you will have to have your health card though to do this. Mono can be spread just like a cold, somebody sneezes or doesn't wash there hands and then you touch something they've touched and then you touch you eyes or mouth. It is a myth that it is only caused by kissing.

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